Krokodil Facts is the name of this blog post because we wanted to educate the general public about the Krokodil drug that is eating flesh off victims daily. If you search online you will find a lot of different stuff about this topic. We only report the Krokodil facts here. So below is a few basic facts that needs to become common knowledge.
Fact 1.) Krokodil is a designer drug! This means that it is made p of several different drug ingredients to make one powerful one.
Fact 2.) Krokodil is a synthetic opioid. Which simply means it is a cheap form of Heroin, and is easily available to the Russian public much cheapr than Heroin and that is the main reason why it is so wide spread.
Fact 3.) Krokodil is 12 times stronger than Morphine.
Fact 4.) Krokodile was derived from Desomorphine which was created by the United States in 1932.
Fact 5.) Krokodil is more addictive than Meth.
Fact 6.) The average life span of a Krokodil addict is expected less than two months.
Fact 7.) Krokodil set's up gangrene on a users body at the injecton site and spreads rapidly eating flesh and rotting it away. This and the gangrene leaving the skin a scaly green color is how the drug got the name Krokodil.
Fact 8.) Desomorphine, Crocodile Drug and Krokodil is not the same thing. Krokodil and as it is often called in non European countries Crocodile Drug are Designer Drugs derived from the Powerful Desomophine.
Fact 9.) There is no cure for the side effects caused by injecting Krokodil and that is why it should be avoided at all cost.
Fact 10.) The DEA in the United States is now watching the Krokodil drug closley to make sure it doesn't keep spreading round the world.
Well here s a few facts about the ever powerful drug called Krokodil. Please read this entire blog and lear as many facts as you can and share them with people that may need to know about the horrible side effects of Krokodil. Thanks and we'll see you later on another post!
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